I haven't posted anything in a while. I just have no time for this blogging stuff anymore with school, the gym and doing nothing. I just ran out of ideas to write about. Nothing really interesting is going on with me right now, so yeah that why I haven't posted anything. I'll start this thing up again when I have stuff to write about. Thats it....
More people I know are either getting tattoos or want to get a tattoo. I don't know if I would ever get one. Just because I don't think I could get one and be happy with it for the rest of my life. I think if i would get a tattoo I would eventually regret getting it. Some people just get tats for the hell of getting one. To look cool or to show of to their friends. Some people have certain tats that actually mean something though. A few years ago I really wanted a tat, but now not so much. But if I were to get one. I would get a Buddhist tattoo... yeah, I know I'm not even Buddhist, but I think they just look nice. And that's if I'd ever get one. I highly doubt it though. Your skin is more beautiful then any tattoo.
I know I said I'd post in the next week but whatever I have nothing to do. So its 2009 and I'm starting to feel old. Where does the time go? In five months I'm 19, it feels weird...... Yeah in my previous post I talked about my quest to Scarborough town center. And I'm doing pretty well with getting in shape to do it. On the days I'm not at the gym I'm running 10-12 km. My new sneaks are doing good they don't really hurt my feet like my other ones did..... Yeah so on Wednesday I'm going back to school, I'm not to excited to go back. I like just loafting around and doing nothing at home. But a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do. Hopefully my semester isn't too hard, but i doubt it. I've just been chilling on the computer or watching T.V when I'm not at the gym or running. My new favourite show is indeed Entourage. Very good show, its basically about a movie star and his friends and stuff like that. Lol its more interesting then that. I just don't feel like explaining it. I watch it on demand and whatever. And I watched one episode its the one where Vince goes to the music vid for the girl he likes and drama breaks up with his Girlfriend and E is doing his thing trying to sign the two writers. So I watch the episode the ending credits go on and the music goes on. Its pretty good. heres the song. its called If i ever feel better by phoenix... ps it has a real video. I just don't like it