Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

For all you people that haven't seen Slumdog millionaire, I highly recommend. I watched it on my computer today, but I regret doing that. I should have actually either watched it in theaters or actually watched a high quality bootleg version lol. Yeah.. it basically starts off with Jamal(the main character) getting tortured. And later you find out its because they think he cheated on the show who wants to be a millionaire. So the movie then shows Jamal on the indian version of who wants to be a millionaire. And every single question that they ask him he knows (except for one or two). He knows all the answers because of his past experience. He is questioned by the police of how he knows the answers and just simply replies "i just knew them". When he is asked every question it goes into a flash back. And every single question tells a little bit of his life story. I've been hearing about this movie a lot, so I decided I needed to watch it. Especailly on the oscars, almost every award was taken by Slumdog Milloinaire. It deserved a lot of those awards.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Results of working hard

Have you ever worked hard for something, and the results were not what you expected? Some people say that if you work hard for it, you will eventually get it. Sometimes that's not the case. There are times that I work hard for things and I still end up doing bad. Really pisses me off.lol Its because there are people out there that barely try and still do better then you. But it only happens sometimes. I still believe that if you work hard you will succeed. Its just those random times that you do work hard and still fail that really annoys me.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I don't know if I told you guys where I work, but I'm going to tell you now. I work at Sobeys in the seafood department. I've been working there for about 6-7 months. And I hate it, I really need a new job. I just don't like the fact that I smell everyday and I get wet in the process of closing the department. I want to quit but I really need the money. I need the money for food(because I am in college and spending money is inevitable) and for the gym and other stuff. There is just certain things that piss me off. 1) the smell, 2) getting wet 3) stuck up customers that come to buy fish when I already put everything at the back. 4) money it pays. minimum wage for the shit i have to put up with. should get payed more. And yeah all that. Lol thing is I'm at school to, I don't really feel like working on my days off school. It actually pisses me off that I have to go to work somedays lol. I have to go to work in about 30 minutes...... ps i hate cooking lobsers.