Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I am currently home alone right now, so I just decided to write another post for this blog. Meh, nothing else to do so whatever..... The weird thing is if I look back before I even started this whole blogging thing, I couldn't picture myself doing this. Just because I'm not a very outspoken person to be honest with you. I keep to myself a lot and don't really like to express my thoughts and opinions to others. The way that this whole blogging thing started is, I just made an account to say something on my friends blog. And now i have my very own blog.lol. I enjoy doing this, its something to do if I'm bored and have nothing else to do.. like today for example, I got loads of free time to do whatever I want, but here I am sitting on my computer writing on "Whatever Comes 2 Mind". Even though my grammar isn't to great or I'm not the best writer out there, I just keep coming back to this blog and keep writing. Since I've started this thing I've gotten some positive feed back from a few people.. so i don't know it sort of makes me feel good to write and people encouraging you to keep writing.

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